avatar for nikitadrokin
629 tweets
26 commits
DNA spends 96% of their time tweeting and 4% of their time coding
DNA and Harman Kamboj are 98% compatible as cofounders
Harman Kamboj
20 tweets
619 commits
avatar for radeggcom
Harman Kamboj spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
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avatar for meirjc

Meir J Cohen

@meirjc32 followers24 tweets627 commits
99% match
avatar for falakgala097

Falak Gala

@falakgala09738 followers27 tweets633 commits
99% match
avatar for bennoinbeta

Benno (in beta)

@bennoinbeta5 followers21 tweets630 commits
99% match
avatar for captainyarb

Jon Yarbor

@captainyarb1,858 followers20 tweets630 commits
99% match
avatar for ookamiiixd


@ookamiiixd45 followers32 tweets633 commits
98% match
avatar for alanmynah

michael r 🚀🐧

@alanmynah452 followers20 tweets624 commits
98% match
avatar for deeksharungta

Deeksha Rungta

@deeksharungta36 followers33 tweets625 commits
98% match
avatar for mrcaidev


@mrcaidev12 followers19 tweets634 commits
98% match
avatar for mujibazizi

Mujib Azizi

@mujibazizi191 followers20 tweets636 commits
98% match
avatar for naske777


@naske7775 followers15 tweets631 commits
98% match
avatar for vivek43862

Vivek Vardhan

@vivek4386213 followers37 tweets632 commits
98% match
avatar for radeggcom

Harman Kamboj

@radeggcom241 followers20 tweets619 commits
98% match
avatar for mashafrancis

Francis Masha

@mashafrancis705 followers20 tweets619 commits
98% match
avatar for lelerukjaymoh


@lelerukjaymoh202 followers19 tweets619 commits
97% match
avatar for milesmurgaw


@milesmurgaw58 followers24 tweets644 commits
97% match
avatar for circlebytes

Iftala Zahri

@circlebytes15 followers23 tweets643 commits
97% match