avatar for nizzyabi
6,722 tweets
1,570 commits
NizzyABI spends 81% of their time tweeting and 19% of their time coding
NizzyABI and Juan Vásquez - @juanvqz@ruby.social are 96% compatible as cofounders
Juan Vásquez - @juanvqz@ruby.social spends 17% of their time tweeting and 83% of their time coding
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avatar for marcelotryle

Marcelo Trylesinski

@marcelotryle2,787 followers1,525 tweets6,770 commits
99% match
avatar for maybe_anurag

Anurag 🍀

@maybe_anurag477 followers1,611 tweets6,794 commits
99% match
avatar for rybickic

Chris Rybicki

@rybickic429 followers1,464 tweets6,737 commits
99% match
avatar for aegre

Michell Alegría

@aegre239 followers1,571 tweets6,558 commits
98% match
avatar for blenderskool

Akash Hamirwasia

@blenderskool1,876 followers1,587 tweets6,922 commits
97% match
avatar for jesusnoseq


@jesusnoseq210 followers1,789 tweets6,720 commits
97% match
avatar for olamibounty


@olamibounty65 followers1,477 tweets6,591 commits
97% match
avatar for akshaybuddiga

Akshay Buddiga 🇺🇸

@akshaybuddiga1,359 followers1,717 tweets6,638 commits
97% match
avatar for ricardov94

Ricardo Villela

@ricardov94119 followers1,388 tweets6,782 commits
97% match
avatar for luke_is

Luke Martin

@luke_is318 followers1,530 tweets6,930 commits
97% match
avatar for nmlgc


@nmlgc98 followers1,493 tweets6,536 commits
97% match
avatar for turckalicious

Mike Turck

@turckalicious711 followers1,566 tweets6,986 commits
97% match
avatar for aleksandrasays


@aleksandrasays8,427 followers1,771 tweets6,630 commits
96% match
avatar for rickyc0626


@rickyc0626828 followers1,699 tweets6,899 commits
96% match
avatar for juanvqz_

Juan Vásquez - @juanvqz@ruby.social

@juanvqz_161 followers1,386 tweets6,600 commits
96% match
avatar for frontnele

Lucas Fontinele

@frontnele604 followers1,360 tweets6,625 commits
96% match