avatar for notcodesid
3,378 tweets
977 commits
siddharth🌱 spends 78% of their time tweeting and 22% of their time coding
siddharth🌱 and 0xblackbird are 96% compatible as cofounders
908 tweets
3,293 commits
avatar for 0xblackbird
0xblackbird spends 22% of their time tweeting and 78% of their time coding
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avatar for helber_belmiro

Helber Belmiro

@helber_belmiro940 followers945 tweets3,375 commits
99% match
avatar for 2hamed


@2hamed3,598 followers1,018 tweets3,373 commits
99% match
avatar for arunsathiya


@arunsathiya296 followers930 tweets3,380 commits
99% match
avatar for penx

Alasdair McLeay

@penx268 followers954 tweets3,348 commits
99% match
avatar for devberkan


@devberkan109 followers1,033 tweets3,372 commits
99% match
avatar for benxneo

benedict neo 梁耀恩

@benxneo1,945 followers953 tweets3,437 commits
98% match
avatar for viveksinghggits

Vivek Singh

@viveksinghggits1,138 followers955 tweets3,455 commits
98% match
avatar for pablo1gustavo

pablo1gustavo dev

@pablo1gustavo114 followers876 tweets3,389 commits
97% match
avatar for nu0ma


@nu0ma24 followers1,097 tweets3,399 commits
97% match
avatar for gnimuc

Yupei Qi

@gnimuc49 followers936 tweets3,480 commits
97% match
avatar for sproule_

Ryan Sproule

@sproule_1,668 followers845 tweets3,361 commits
97% match
avatar for lazyduchess

Lazy Duchess

@lazyduchess2,214 followers831 tweets3,383 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xblackbird


@0xblackbird5,402 followers908 tweets3,293 commits
96% match
avatar for _hrkrshnn


@_hrkrshnn5,119 followers1,012 tweets3,253 commits
96% match
avatar for joalbertg

Joalbert González

@joalbertg136 followers1,025 tweets3,265 commits
96% match
avatar for carlosziegler

Carlos Ziegler

@carlosziegler102 followers1,111 tweets3,407 commits
96% match