avatar for orbky
25 tweets
554 commits
Orbi spends 4% of their time tweeting and 96% of their time coding
Orbi and Baytecka are 97% compatible as cofounders
558 tweets
13 commits
avatar for baytecka
Baytecka spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
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avatar for csti

Cat Stefanovici

@csti240 followers553 tweets24 commits
100% match
avatar for 13unk0wn


@13unk0wn286 followers558 tweets36 commits
97% match
avatar for baytecka


@baytecka77 followers558 tweets13 commits
97% match
avatar for mrcnserkan

Serkan Mercan

@mrcnserkan757 followers572 tweets22 commits
96% match
avatar for maxiprograma

Maxi Programa

@maxiprograma1,590 followers546 tweets12 commits
96% match
avatar for chilljellyfish

Jake Albion

@chilljellyfish329 followers547 tweets8 commits
96% match
avatar for mathrimc

Mathrim Cauthon

@mathrimc215 followers570 tweets14 commits
95% match
avatar for oianlucas

Ian Lucas

@oianlucas91 followers552 tweets0 commits
95% match
avatar for rafalwilinski

Rafal Wilinski

@rafalwilinski4,318 followers531 tweets29 commits
95% match
avatar for _pikalol_


@_pikalol_36 followers563 tweets5 commits
95% match
avatar for lory1508

Lorenzo Galassi

@lory150865 followers579 tweets30 commits
95% match
avatar for lexfridman

Lex Fridman

@lexfridman3,555,238 followers559 tweets0 commits
95% match
avatar for arjankruithof

Arjan Kruithof

@arjankruithof1,222 followers572 tweets9 commits
94% match
avatar for algamil7x

π΄β„Žπ‘šπ‘’π‘‘ πΊπ‘Žπ‘šπ‘–π‘™

@algamil7x4,982 followers542 tweets3 commits
94% match
avatar for pratikshit0


@pratikshit014 followers586 tweets29 commits
94% match
avatar for mrhypeofficial


@mrhypeofficial920 followers533 tweets41 commits
94% match