avatar for ozgrozer
Ozgur Ozer
1,340 tweets
39,103 commits
Ozgur Ozer spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Ozgur Ozer and Pupuh Venom are 96% compatible as cofounders
Pupuh Venom
39,230 tweets
28 commits
avatar for aldryandimas
Pupuh Venom spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for guaca

Estela Franco

@guaca4,695 followers39,030 tweets1,236 commits
100% match
avatar for cruisemaniac


@cruisemaniac3,054 followers39,102 tweets1,546 commits
99% match
avatar for jahiker

Jahiker Rojas

@jahiker628 followers39,249 tweets892 commits
99% match
avatar for dcbuild3r

dcbuilder.eth ⚪️

@dcbuild3r34,452 followers38,841 tweets1,698 commits
98% match
avatar for poppacalypse

Carl Poppa 🛸

@poppacalypse6,762 followers38,970 tweets2,108 commits
98% match
avatar for eddieoz

EddieOz ⚡

@eddieoz8,324 followers38,188 tweets1,370 commits
98% match
avatar for bhovdair

Muhammad Bhovdair

@bhovdair346 followers38,310 tweets1,060 commits
97% match
avatar for vivek_naskar

Vivek Naskar

@vivek_naskar4,757 followers39,866 tweets932 commits
97% match
avatar for aldo_tobing


@aldo_tobing1,800 followers38,173 tweets1,661 commits
97% match
avatar for aldryandimas

Pupuh Venom

@aldryandimas534 followers39,230 tweets28 commits
96% match
avatar for 0xmert_

mert | helius | hSOL

@0xmert_123,457 followers40,259 tweets992 commits
96% match
avatar for matiast__

Matias ⭐️⭐️⭐️

@matiast__412 followers37,903 tweets1,728 commits
96% match
avatar for tomfrankly

Thomas Frank

@tomfrankly139,923 followers38,827 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for brayozin


@brayozin3,767 followers38,103 tweets713 commits
96% match
avatar for bpapa

Brian Papa

@bpapa1,746 followers38,427 tweets2,384 commits
96% match
avatar for mizrmx

Mayra Zurita 👩🏻‍💻

@mizrmx2,230 followers39,844 tweets356 commits
96% match