avatar for pepiuox
2,844 tweets
405 commits
PePiuoX spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
PePiuoX and Marco Galardini are 99% compatible as cofounders
Marco Galardini
400 tweets
2,862 commits
avatar for mgalactus
Marco Galardini spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
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avatar for _elzubeir

mo 🐼

@_elzubeir571 followers413 tweets2,848 commits
100% match
avatar for amanhimself

Aman Mittal ⚛️☕️🖖

@amanhimself11,073 followers413 tweets2,836 commits
100% match
avatar for gurrrrrrett3


@gurrrrrrett3274 followers396 tweets2,834 commits
99% match
avatar for mgalactus

Marco Galardini

@mgalactus1,379 followers400 tweets2,862 commits
99% match
avatar for yef_marcano

Yeferson Marcano

@yef_marcano21 followers421 tweets2,836 commits
99% match
avatar for okeibunorfavour

Favour Okeibunor

@okeibunorfavour9 followers424 tweets2,851 commits
99% match
avatar for oshaikh13

Omar Shaikh

@oshaikh13725 followers382 tweets2,835 commits
99% match
avatar for ethanorlander

Ethan Orlander

@ethanorlander145 followers360 tweets2,847 commits
99% match
avatar for dylankbuckley

Dylan Buckley

@dylankbuckley938 followers429 tweets2,819 commits
98% match
avatar for __spongeboi


@__spongeboi177 followers444 tweets2,857 commits
98% match
avatar for veeresh_11


@veeresh_1142 followers378 tweets2,812 commits
98% match
avatar for danielpost

Daniel Post

@danielpost756 followers451 tweets2,868 commits
98% match
avatar for laurawebdev


@laurawebdev83 followers394 tweets2,907 commits
98% match
avatar for soohoonchoi

Soohoon Choi

@soohoonchoi346 followers412 tweets2,916 commits
98% match
avatar for votredlire

javier ramírez

@votredlire200 followers463 tweets2,822 commits
98% match
avatar for kuizuo


@kuizuo741 followers395 tweets2,766 commits
97% match