avatar for peterldowns
Peter Downs
412 tweets
386 commits
Peter Downs spends 52% of their time tweeting and 48% of their time coding
Peter Downs and Piyush Assudani are 95% compatible as cofounders
Piyush Assudani
418 tweets
406 commits
avatar for phantomcat3d
Piyush Assudani spends 51% of their time tweeting and 49% of their time coding
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avatar for ted_lu_tw

Ted Lu 呂顥天

@ted_lu_tw317 followers388 tweets405 commits
99% match
avatar for madebyivor


@madebyivor4,593 followers387 tweets422 commits
99% match
avatar for s_srinjoy

Srinjoy সাঁতরা

@s_srinjoy44 followers373 tweets418 commits
98% match
avatar for iakashpaul


@iakashpaul178 followers391 tweets397 commits
97% match
avatar for muirumose


@muirumose150 followers397 tweets401 commits
97% match
avatar for igdiaysu

Aysu | AysArt ✨

@igdiaysu103 followers362 tweets415 commits
97% match
avatar for jlpouffier

Jean-Loïc (JLo) Pouffier

@jlpouffier488 followers358 tweets410 commits
96% match
avatar for yongyuanxi

Towaki Takikawa / 瀧川永遠希

@yongyuanxi4,920 followers395 tweets391 commits
96% match
avatar for winexperiments


@winexperiments532 followers400 tweets395 commits
96% match
avatar for luizgarbini

Luiz Garbini

@luizgarbini56 followers359 tweets418 commits
96% match
avatar for _pandabibek

Bibek Panda

@_pandabibek95 followers390 tweets441 commits
96% match
avatar for andthatto


@andthatto543 followers376 tweets387 commits
96% match
avatar for tanmayadithya

Tanmay Adithya

@tanmayadithya39 followers421 tweets413 commits
95% match
avatar for phantomcat3d

Piyush Assudani

@phantomcat3d410 followers418 tweets406 commits
95% match
avatar for imskanand

ѕнυвнαм । शुभम् पांडेय 🤹

@imskanand73 followers378 tweets445 commits
95% match
avatar for ozielmus

Omar Gutiérrez

@ozielmus96 followers425 tweets410 commits
95% match