avatar for romechenko
Roman Pshichenko
3,803 tweets
738 commits
Roman Pshichenko spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
Roman Pshichenko and Aleš are 99% compatible as cofounders
785 tweets
3,811 commits
avatar for fxckdev_
Aleš spends 17% of their time tweeting and 83% of their time coding
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avatar for bridgertower

Bridger Tower

@bridgertower206 followers734 tweets3,815 commits
100% match
avatar for sagar_batchu

Sagar Batchu

@sagar_batchu327 followers753 tweets3,818 commits
99% match
avatar for imsk_17

Sumit Kumar

@imsk_1784 followers752 tweets3,778 commits
99% match
avatar for bradsweb3


@bradsweb3470 followers720 tweets3,837 commits
99% match
avatar for fxckdev_


@fxckdev_394 followers785 tweets3,811 commits
99% match
avatar for andhaveaniceday

Jake Bailey

@andhaveaniceday1,757 followers711 tweets3,766 commits
99% match
avatar for claytonfarr

Clayton Farr

@claytonfarr380 followers794 tweets3,812 commits
99% match
avatar for aykutkardas


@aykutkardas3,160 followers800 tweets3,794 commits
98% match
avatar for mehd_io

Mehdi Ouazza

@mehd_io1,525 followers682 tweets3,827 commits
98% match
avatar for emreisik_

Emre Işık

@emreisik_142 followers798 tweets3,780 commits
98% match
avatar for joe307bad


@joe307bad250 followers742 tweets3,715 commits
98% match
avatar for yoeven

Yoeven 🧩

@yoeven264 followers740 tweets3,898 commits
98% match
avatar for pxseu


@pxseu198 followers777 tweets3,872 commits
98% match
avatar for sberens1

Simon Berens - dual n-b/acc

@sberens11,082 followers692 tweets3,869 commits
98% match
avatar for obycode


@obycode842 followers807 tweets3,856 commits
97% match
avatar for franbe7

Francisco Betancor

@franbe7181 followers634 tweets3,782 commits
97% match