avatar for sarvasvkulpati
4,252 tweets
1,092 commits
sarv spends 80% of their time tweeting and 20% of their time coding
sarv and Wes Goulet are 98% compatible as cofounders
Wes Goulet
1,131 tweets
4,182 commits
avatar for wes_goulet
Wes Goulet spends 21% of their time tweeting and 79% of their time coding
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avatar for todepond

Lu wilson 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

@todepond3,146 followers1,047 tweets4,226 commits
99% match
avatar for arthcp


@arthcp858 followers1,023 tweets4,260 commits
99% match
avatar for jpkcambridge

John Kelleher

@jpkcambridge1,436 followers1,114 tweets4,321 commits
98% match
avatar for dhairyashah_dev

Dhairya Shah

@dhairyashah_dev148 followers1,038 tweets4,297 commits
98% match
avatar for wes_goulet

Wes Goulet

@wes_goulet179 followers1,131 tweets4,182 commits
98% match
avatar for perfinion

Jason Zaman

@perfinion426 followers1,107 tweets4,143 commits
98% match
avatar for scorpion9979

Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq

@scorpion9979444 followers1,032 tweets4,172 commits
97% match
avatar for mempirate


@mempirate1,071 followers1,110 tweets4,388 commits
97% match
avatar for fabianhiller

Fabian Hiller

@fabianhiller1,634 followers963 tweets4,225 commits
97% match
avatar for msub2official


@msub2official698 followers1,041 tweets4,142 commits
97% match
avatar for panda_ronit

Ronit Panda

@panda_ronit203 followers1,043 tweets4,137 commits
97% match
avatar for luca_nicolett

Luca Nicoletti

@luca_nicolett372 followers1,132 tweets4,377 commits
97% match
avatar for anthony_lzq

Anthony Luzquiños

@anthony_lzq168 followers1,111 tweets4,100 commits
97% match
avatar for im_sd2001

Shawarmabro ⚽️🚀

@im_sd2001149 followers1,062 tweets4,108 commits
97% match
avatar for axitkhurana

Akshit Khurana

@axitkhurana557 followers1,111 tweets4,088 commits
97% match
avatar for _ashishrao

Ashish Rao

@_ashishrao123 followers1,006 tweets4,147 commits
96% match