avatar for shreyashguptas
Shreyash Gupta
8,254 tweets
1,580 commits
Shreyash Gupta spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
Shreyash Gupta and ebobby are 96% compatible as cofounders
1,269 tweets
8,145 commits
avatar for _ebobby
ebobby spends 13% of their time tweeting and 87% of their time coding
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avatar for swapnilsarwe

swapnilsarwe (@codeat3)

@swapnilsarwe167 followers1,620 tweets8,272 commits
99% match
avatar for mateuszkubuszok

Mateusz Kubuszok

@mateuszkubuszok1,333 followers1,542 tweets8,173 commits
99% match
avatar for amoebe

Bernhard Häussner

@amoebe217 followers1,441 tweets8,272 commits
98% match
avatar for sidx1024


@sidx1024265 followers1,456 tweets8,314 commits
98% match
avatar for xenthio


@xenthio117 followers1,657 tweets8,370 commits
98% match
avatar for charliermarsh

Charlie Marsh

@charliermarsh12,084 followers1,534 tweets8,421 commits
98% match
avatar for alanhe421

Alan He

@alanhe42161 followers1,666 tweets8,417 commits
97% match
avatar for jankoritak

Jan Koriťák

@jankoritak236 followers1,766 tweets8,324 commits
97% match
avatar for markhigham

Mark Higham

@markhigham589 followers1,734 tweets8,122 commits
97% match
avatar for jgrancher

Jeremy Grancher

@jgrancher771 followers1,743 tweets8,128 commits
97% match
avatar for datapatrick

Patrick S. Sletvold

@datapatrick179 followers1,635 tweets8,514 commits
97% match
avatar for fauzaanu


@fauzaanu337 followers1,516 tweets7,978 commits
97% match
avatar for mazenchami

Mazen Chami

@mazenchami898 followers1,462 tweets8,511 commits
96% match
avatar for _ebobby


@_ebobby331 followers1,269 tweets8,145 commits
96% match
avatar for martinprins


@martinprins261 followers1,382 tweets8,491 commits
96% match
avatar for mozillazg


@mozillazg156 followers1,510 tweets8,623 commits
96% match