The best cofounder for Sondre Sørbye is...

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Edward Calderón 🛡️
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Sondre Sørbye
0 tweets
2,318 commits
Sondre Sørbye spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Sondre Sørbye and Edward Calderón 🛡️ are 99% compatible as cofounders
Edward Calderón 🛡️ spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for jfreels123

Justin Freels

@jfreels123282 followers2,313 tweets9 commits
99% match
avatar for oipoistar

Domovinski Duh

@oipoistar58 followers2,329 tweets4 commits
99% match
avatar for sword0x00

Mohanad Hesham 🇵🇸

@sword0x00547 followers2,312 tweets33 commits
98% match
avatar for andrewtate

Andrew Tate

@andrewtate449 followers2,274 tweets2 commits
98% match
avatar for shesdeltabotx

Faster and Foxier ΘΔ

@shesdeltabotx61 followers2,370 tweets1 commits
98% match
avatar for cbravobernal

Carlos Bravo

@cbravobernal397 followers2,373 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for nattyfried

Nathaniel Fried

@nattyfried1,397 followers2,261 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for jarrenrocks_

Jarren Rocks

@jarrenrocks_1,599 followers2,352 tweets29 commits
97% match
avatar for semsphy

Sophy Sem

@semsphy349 followers2,255 tweets3 commits
97% match
avatar for kaustubhkushte

Kaustubh Kushte

@kaustubhkushte302 followers2,271 tweets25 commits
97% match
avatar for misaawesome

Awesome 🇺🇸🇮🇳 | e/acc

@misaawesome292 followers2,241 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for rajaeinet

Omid Rajaei

@rajaeinet663 followers2,318 tweets81 commits
97% match
avatar for maksance


@maksance122 followers2,370 tweets30 commits
96% match
avatar for krutikvirani

Krutik 👨🏻‍💻

@krutikvirani202 followers2,236 tweets1 commits
96% match
avatar for softwarewitchx


@softwarewitchx621 followers2,251 tweets17 commits
96% match