avatar for sudhamjayanthi
7,827 tweets
1,381 commits
sudham spends 85% of their time tweeting and 15% of their time coding
sudham and Teemu Taskula are 96% compatible as cofounders
Teemu Taskula
1,214 tweets
7,663 commits
avatar for teemu_taskula
Teemu Taskula spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
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avatar for christianthepav

Christian Pav

@christianthepav212 followers1,295 tweets7,833 commits
99% match
avatar for etaixj

Jonathan Etaix

@etaixj793 followers1,437 tweets7,780 commits
99% match
avatar for _alexshortt

Alexander Shortt

@_alexshortt487 followers1,407 tweets7,726 commits
99% match
avatar for maticomp

Mateusz Papiernik

@maticomp267 followers1,446 tweets7,932 commits
98% match
avatar for whiplashoo

Minas Giannekas 💙

@whiplashoo465 followers1,282 tweets7,899 commits
98% match
avatar for a_a_badawy

Ahmed Badawy

@a_a_badawy72 followers1,357 tweets7,667 commits
98% match
avatar for alexvilain

Alexandre vilain

@alexvilain322 followers1,447 tweets7,707 commits
98% match
avatar for zdlldz


@zdlldz1,680 followers1,264 tweets7,903 commits
98% match
avatar for wojciechcichock

W◎jciech 🦀

@wojciechcichock563 followers1,186 tweets7,838 commits
98% match
avatar for fauzaanu


@fauzaanu337 followers1,516 tweets7,978 commits
97% match
avatar for matthewstanciu

Matthew Stanciu

@matthewstanciu733 followers1,319 tweets7,599 commits
97% match
avatar for philippemnoel

Philippe Noël

@philippemnoel1,498 followers1,371 tweets7,532 commits
97% match
avatar for anviking

Johannes Lund

@anviking374 followers1,208 tweets7,964 commits
97% match
avatar for teemu_taskula

Teemu Taskula

@teemu_taskula248 followers1,214 tweets7,663 commits
96% match
avatar for nksaraf98

Nikhil Saraf

@nksaraf981,922 followers1,240 tweets7,623 commits
96% match
avatar for mithi


@mithi57 followers1,213 tweets8,021 commits
96% match