kitchen in the dungeon spends 95% of their time tweeting and 5% of their time coding
kitchen in the dungeon and Batuhan Wilhelm are 98% compatible as cofounders
Batuhan Wilhelm
292 tweets
8,122 commits
avatar for kakamelatte
Batuhan Wilhelm spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
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avatar for megasanjay

Sanjay Soundarajan 🇱🇰

@megasanjay212 followers415 tweets8,111 commits
100% match
avatar for wamae_arnold

Arnold Wamae

@wamae_arnold59 followers391 tweets8,108 commits
100% match
avatar for bracket_john_


@bracket_john_220 followers420 tweets8,041 commits
99% match
avatar for ste_bartoletti

Stefano Bartoletti

@ste_bartoletti187 followers331 tweets8,126 commits
99% match
avatar for kakamelatte

Batuhan Wilhelm

@kakamelatte184 followers292 tweets8,122 commits
98% match
avatar for alessbell

Alessia |

@alessbell1,319 followers428 tweets8,214 commits
98% match
avatar for xeusteerapat

Teerapat Prommarak

@xeusteerapat374 followers545 tweets8,120 commits
98% match
avatar for dcts_dev


@dcts_dev127 followers479 tweets8,191 commits
98% match
avatar for coffmark_


@coffmark_971 followers544 tweets8,031 commits
98% match
avatar for mitchellhynes


@mitchellhynes280 followers595 tweets8,093 commits
98% match
avatar for garg_megham

Megham Garg

@garg_megham38 followers354 tweets7,914 commits
97% match
avatar for mhughdo

Hung Do

@mhughdo11 followers255 tweets8,155 commits
97% match
avatar for niklasbegley

Niklas Begley

@niklasbegley255 followers385 tweets8,285 commits
97% match
avatar for asgarovf

Farhad (∎, ∆)

@asgarovf399 followers357 tweets8,262 commits
97% match
avatar for gabeidx


@gabeidx298 followers186 tweets8,069 commits
97% match
avatar for jennmueng

Jenn Mueng

@jennmueng120 followers200 tweets8,117 commits
97% match