avatar for tanishtirpathi
Tanish Tirpathi
291 tweets
174 commits
Tanish Tirpathi spends 63% of their time tweeting and 37% of their time coding
Tanish Tirpathi and Tirth Nandha  are 76% compatible as cofounders
Tirth Nandha 
169 tweets
186 commits
avatar for tirthnandha
Tirth Nandha  spends 48% of their time tweeting and 52% of their time coding
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avatar for horusaf13


@horusaf133 followers185 tweets290 commits
97% match
avatar for _jondouglas

Jon Douglas

@_jondouglas1,247 followers177 tweets280 commits
97% match
avatar for einetw4s


@einetw4s7 followers179 tweets281 commits
97% match
avatar for kyawthura_gg

Kyaw Thura

@kyawthura_gg46 followers175 tweets309 commits
96% match
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Tejas Nanoti

@tejas_jsx63 followers169 tweets307 commits
95% match
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Yang Mingshan

@yang_mingshan64 followers194 tweets292 commits
95% match
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@ghostedglory45 followers176 tweets312 commits
95% match
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Kulvir Singh

@kulvirdotgg30 followers155 tweets285 commits
95% match
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Darshan Arkhade

@darshanarkhade71 followers158 tweets281 commits
94% match
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Richar Santiago

@richarc29335 followers196 tweets295 commits
94% match
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@esskayesss_48 followers151 tweets294 commits
94% match
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@xcatolin69 followers177 tweets315 commits
94% match
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Tarun Gupta

@maybetarun25 followers162 tweets308 commits
94% match
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Krish Soni

@isonikrish38 followers160 tweets273 commits
93% match
avatar for jonlprd

Jon Leopard

@jonlprd414 followers169 tweets263 commits
93% match
avatar for ronuhz

Hunor Zoltáni

@ronuhz30 followers157 tweets308 commits
93% match