avatar for thejufo
403 tweets
167 commits
ٓ spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
ٓ and Prabhu Kiran Konda 𝕏 are 95% compatible as cofounders
Prabhu Kiran Konda 𝕏 spends 28% of their time tweeting and 72% of their time coding
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avatar for nikharsavaliya

Nikhar // HMRTime

@nikharsavaliya109 followers170 tweets410 commits
98% match
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Anton Van Eechaute

@antonve_be782 followers178 tweets404 commits
98% match
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Diego Pardo Montero

@dpardo_dev11 followers161 tweets412 commits
97% match
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Ricardo Paiva

@ricardoccpaiva444 followers154 tweets405 commits
97% match
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El Gusta

@gustamantovani10 followers160 tweets415 commits
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Julian Ardila

@juliannotdev18 followers164 tweets386 commits
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@w1z4rddj115 followers166 tweets383 commits
96% match
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John ᯅ

@thejohncaleb1,368 followers180 tweets412 commits
96% match
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@rubanlah51 followers189 tweets404 commits
96% match
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Osama Abu Baker

@osamaabubaker1668 followers165 tweets381 commits
96% match
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fraye from the past (on fc 💜)

@mmidena23162 followers172 tweets424 commits
95% match
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Prabhu Kiran Konda 𝕏

@prabhukirantwt40 followers151 tweets393 commits
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Yash Patil

@ypatil1252,956 followers156 tweets418 commits
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avatar for yunus_shaikh29

Yunus Shaikh

@yunus_shaikh2999 followers146 tweets398 commits
95% match
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Kshitij Darwhekar 💻

@kshitijdarwhek116 followers183 tweets414 commits
95% match
avatar for mfshi03


@mfshi030 followers157 tweets424 commits
95% match