The best cofounder for Ufuk is...

avatar for chamalsena
Chamal Senarathna
avatar for ufuayk
80 tweets
375 commits
Ufuk spends 18% of their time tweeting and 82% of their time coding
Ufuk and Chamal Senarathna are 99% compatible as cofounders
Chamal Senarathna
378 tweets
78 commits
avatar for chamalsena
Chamal Senarathna spends 83% of their time tweeting and 17% of their time coding
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avatar for debajyoti_03

Debajyoti Debnath

@debajyoti_0351 followers379 tweets82 commits
99% match
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@ishicodz65 followers379 tweets83 commits
98% match
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Sergey Petrov

@pr0ger96 followers370 tweets77 commits
98% match
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@0b1nna_44 followers380 tweets84 commits
98% match
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Xavier Canchal

@xcanchal296 followers383 tweets81 commits
98% match
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@jamiscus34 followers370 tweets87 commits
97% match
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Akshita Gupta

@akkshiiitaa46 followers378 tweets70 commits
97% match
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@balagopinaath54 followers367 tweets75 commits
97% match
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Somesh Metri

@someshmetri73 followers367 tweets72 commits
96% match
avatar for omarbsantos

Omar BS

@omarbsantos479 followers368 tweets91 commits
96% match
avatar for luisfelipej


@luisfelipej250 followers368 tweets94 commits
95% match
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Fernando Wentland

@ferow2k55 followers390 tweets88 commits
95% match
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Guilherme Crisi

@crisi_dart56 followers381 tweets100 commits
94% match
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Zhandos Kadyrkulov

@tosek_k57 followers359 tweets91 commits
94% match
avatar for ritwickdsouza

Ritwick Dsouza

@ritwickdsouza110 followers355 tweets90 commits
93% match