avatar for wslyvh
Wesley— oss/acc
2,183 tweets
1,064 commits
Wesley— oss/acc spends 67% of their time tweeting and 33% of their time coding
Wesley— oss/acc and /dev/nvram are 98% compatible as cofounders
1,118 tweets
2,193 commits
avatar for mroplus
/dev/nvram spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
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avatar for srikanthac


@srikanthac138 followers1,070 tweets2,153 commits
99% match
avatar for vcrizpy

Vyom | Syndr

@vcrizpy1,259 followers1,085 tweets2,213 commits
98% match
avatar for tsjdevapps

Sebastian | tsjdev-apps.de

@tsjdevapps229 followers1,065 tweets2,235 commits
98% match
avatar for fik346

Taufik Nurhidayat 🍉🦀

@fik34686 followers1,059 tweets2,127 commits
98% match
avatar for mroplus


@mroplus4,398 followers1,118 tweets2,193 commits
98% match
avatar for jothiprasath4

Jothi Prasath

@jothiprasath4138 followers1,064 tweets2,250 commits
98% match
avatar for fmendes6

Filipe Mendes

@fmendes6442 followers1,003 tweets2,166 commits
98% match
avatar for bluequbit


@bluequbit128 followers1,089 tweets2,113 commits
97% match
avatar for can__vural

Can Vural

@can__vural551 followers1,097 tweets2,119 commits
97% match
avatar for stephanebarros0

Stephane.algo ȺF 🇫🇷

@stephanebarros01,131 followers1,128 tweets2,148 commits
97% match
avatar for darshgun

Darshana Gunawardana

@darshgun537 followers1,139 tweets2,157 commits
97% match
avatar for chainvisions

Crab 🦇🔊

@chainvisions478 followers1,101 tweets2,251 commits
97% match
avatar for bclavie

Benjamin Clavié

@bclavie3,361 followers998 tweets2,223 commits
97% match
avatar for tantaman

Matt Wonlaw

@tantaman1,367 followers961 tweets2,177 commits
97% match
avatar for adamzielin

Adam Zieliński - speaking at #WCEU

@adamzielin1,289 followers1,024 tweets2,258 commits
96% match
avatar for hellosagarcode

Sagar Khurana

@hellosagarcode1,014 followers985 tweets2,219 commits
96% match